Tuesday, March 8th | 6pm – 8pm | 201 Wheeler https://www.facebook.com/events/214534888900681/ Pachoua Lor will be hosting a workshop on Hmong poetry. Hmong poetry, or Paj Huam, is a form of writing that Hmong people have used to express their deepest feelings, passionate concerns, and so much more.

Tuesday, March 15th | 7pm – 9pm | 106 Dwinelle Annie Xiong will be presenting on what the ASUC is and does, as well as how and why you can get more involved! Snacks will be provided.
The Pursuit of Higher Education (PoHE) caters, but is not limited, to Hmong high school students. The enriching 3 day, 2 night program allows for students from central and northern California to engage in critical dialogues, collaborate in cultural workshops, and explore academic pathways. The program will run from April 8th-10th 2016, and is all expense paid. […]
Wednesdays | 7pm – 7:30pm | 350 Eshleman This is intended to allow members and community members to come talk to us. If you have questions, concerns, suggestions, want to host an event, facilitate a workshop, join us for office hours or send us an email!