~COME CELEBRATE LABOR DAY WEEKEND WITH HSAB~ We are hosting our annual Welcome BBQ. Come and celebrate. Meet new and old faces of HSAB 2017-2018. It will be held on September 02, 2017 from 2PM- 6PM. Please contact Anna, Pachoua, or Michelle for locations and more information. ♡

Join us for our 4th General Meeting! It will consist of a Sexual Health Education Program (SHEP) Sexpert, Linda Vang. She will spend some time speaking about sexual health and much more. It will be held Thursday, November 17th, in Barrows 104 from 6-7:30PM. We hope to see you all!

A wicked night, it was! The dishes everyone brought for the potluck was delicious and the costumes were AMAZING! Everyone’s costumes were extremely creative and the activities were fun and engaging. Congratulations to Chris for winning the Best Costume of HSABlloween with his Buzz Lightyear handmade costume. Thank you to all who came and thank […]

Also known as OC Day, it is a day that allows the different Hmong Student Associations (HSA) in California to meet and spend a day together. This year, it was held in Sacramento and we met many other HSAs and participated in activities with many valuable messages. It was a great opportunity for us to […]

HSAB members came together for a weekend to spend quality time with one another. It took place in a beautiful home in Pope Valley where everyone shared meals together as a family, along with intriguing stories and lots of laughter. The activities during the retreat included a Taekwondo lesson, courtesy of Pachoua and Callie, a swing-dance […]

Join the team that will make Pursuit of Higher Education (PoHE) a reality this Spring 2017! This event caters, but is not limited, to Hmong high school students. It will be a 3 day, 2 night program that allows for high school students from central and northern California to engage in critical dialogues, collaborate in […]

Would you like to be more involved in HSAB and learn how it operates behind closed doors? Consider interning for HSAB! Learn more about the position and apply here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdjroiLuTXVOw2u3-CgH89-wDOmGqs8Iol1eAJQDyQgurG81g/viewform?c=0&w=1

Please come join us for our first general meeting this fall. You will officially meet the current cabinet and will learn about HSAB and the upcoming events. It will be held Wednesday, August 31 in Dwinelle Hall 130 from 7 – 9 PM. Excited to see you all!

Come celebrate the beginning of a new academic year with food along with friends! It will be held on Saturday, August 27th, and we plan to start at 3 PM and end at 7 PM. Please contact Callie, Pachoua, Pheng, or Yang for the location. Hope to see you all there!